
Showing posts from October, 2015

Wall-Ahhh! Update

So sorry I haven't written in a while!  The past several weeks have certainly been busy with our eforts to get Wall-Ahhh! Cool Walls - just like that branded and active as possible on all of the social media platforms. First and foremost, we have been working overtime trying to get our website up and running.  We should be live with it within the week, so a little early heads up: will be our new site, and I will, of course, keep everyone updated on its progress. We now have a presence on the following social media platforms, and as I learn my way around, I will provide links both ways to all of them.  For now, we are listed on them all as mpart2015 or wall-ahhh cool walls.  Check us out on:  Facebook Facebook Page , Linked In LinkedIn , Google Plus Google+ ,  and Pinterest Pinterest  We also have a channel on You Tube. Click here to see all of the videos of the Gordon McCaw Elementary School video. That link is here:  You Tube Until next time, h

Finishing up Mural at McCaw School of Mines

This past week, Edwin was busy finishing up the mural at the McCaw School of Mines, and setting up to start another one at McCaw Elementary school right next door.  I thought this would be a perfect opportunity to catch some of his work on video, so we could all see just what goes into these large scale visuals.  The following video is Day 1:  Sketching out the design, as Edwin begins to sketch out the design for McCaw Elementary School.


Translated from French, trompe-l'oeil (pronounced tromp loy) means literally to 'deceive the eye'.  It is a technique that has been used for centuries that creates the believable illusion of a three-dimensional subject but portrayed on a two-dimensional surface such as canvas or paper. It often gives the appearance of "opening up" or expanding space.  For example, a window or a door that seems to lead to an expanded vista. A Vineyard in Tuscany Doves on Window Sill over Entryway Stairway along the sea  Although it is said to have its origins in the Baroque period, it would be better to say that it  re -emerged during that time, but has been around dating back to the time of Pompeii in Greek and Roman history.  During the Renaissance period, Italian artists were using a type of trompe-l'oeil known as "di sotto en su' (translation:  from below, upward), when doing ceiling painting.  The elements on the ceiling were painted as if viewed fro

McCaw Elementary School Mural

Yesterday Edwin started a new mural at Gordon McCaw Elementary School in Henderson, NV, and I was there to capture some of it on video.  Yes, once again I was up a ladder onto the roof of a building, and for those that know me, this is no small thing.  I've always had a phobia about heights, but yesterday I realized that I was actually doing pretty well with being more than 2 ft. off the ground. Perhaps it's because I was so engrossed with watching Edwin sketch out the basic design for his newest mural!  Whatever the reason, I'm truly grateful that height no longer seemed to bother me, since I plan on filming the entire process and posting it here on our blog so that everyone can see just what goes into making a mural of this size and scope. This is the design that was submitted and approved by the school board, although they weren't particularly happy with the center part of the outline that actually reads The McCaw School since this mural won't be seen from