McCaw Elementary School Mural

Yesterday Edwin started a new mural at Gordon McCaw Elementary School in Henderson, NV, and I was there to capture some of it on video.  Yes, once again I was up a ladder onto the roof of a building, and for those that know me, this is no small thing.  I've always had a phobia about heights, but yesterday I realized that I was actually doing pretty well with being more than 2 ft. off the ground. Perhaps it's because I was so engrossed with watching Edwin sketch out the basic design for his newest mural!  Whatever the reason, I'm truly grateful that height no longer seemed to bother me, since I plan on filming the entire process and posting it here on our blog so that everyone can see just what goes into making a mural of this size and scope.

This is the design that was submitted and approved by the school board, although they weren't particularly happy with the center part of the outline that actually reads The McCaw School since this mural won't be seen from the road but rather just from a view on campus. Edwin is working today on some other ideas, but in my opinion the design flows very well as it stands, and changing the center portion of it now may throw off the overall theme.  But, as Edwin likes to remind me, he is the creative one in this partnership, I'm the bean counter - or in this instance, the videographer.  So I will concentrate on not falling off the roof and leave Edwin to the creative matters. Lol!

I was told that McCaw is the largest magnet school in the state. The school is a science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) field trip destination and learning facilit.  They provide a quality educational experience for 4lh grade students in the Clark County School District as well as the general public.It's interesting to note that a field trip to McCaw School of Mines is the only field trip that costs the students absolutely zero, and McCaw will even arrange for transportation for children who otherwise would not be able to visit the exhibits due to financial reasons.  It is a truly impressive learning center for these kids will be the doctors and scientists of our future!

For those of you who are not familiar with Henderson,   the McCaw School of Mines, where Edwin is just finishing up his latest mural for them, is actually part of the McCaw Elementary School campus..  I will have him upload some pix of some of the work he has done there over the years so you can all get a pretty good idea of how his themes and designs flow together.  In addition to the mural he is just completing at the School of Mines, he recently did some work that features the solar system. It is done inside a railroad boxcar and everything is viewed under a black light because part of the display includes rocks and minerals that are phosphorescent under black light. Pretty cool!  Definitely will post some of these pictures! 

These are pack mules that are part of the outside exhibits at the School of Mines.  The are done on flat pieces of plywood, but using forced perspective, give the appearance of being 3-dimensional.

Here are a couple of photos inside the solar system display that Edwin did at the School of Mines.  They were taken on my cell, so the quality isn't the best but pretty cool regardless. 
For more info on the McCaw School of Mines check out these links: and


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