Hi everyone!  Just wanted to write a quick note to tell you about some exciting news we received over the weekend from Artsy Shark.com, one of the premier artist marketing sites on the web.  Once or twice a year they issue a "Call for Featured Artists", where thousands of artists from around the world submit their art for a chance to be featured on this juried site.  (Juried is a term that basically means the artwork is heavily judged/screened by a panel of experts in the art world with very strict standards for acceptance.)

Out of all the submissions, only 40-50 will be chosen to be featured artists.   They receive a featured article on themselves and their artwork, as well as one-on-one marketing help from the owner of Artsy Shark.

We didn't find out about the opportunity until 2 days before the deadline for submissions, but went ahead and sent in a Ed's work anyway.  Due to the lateness of the submission and lack of time to really prepare a quality package, we weren't really expecting a whole lot.

So although we didn't get chosen as one of the individually featured artists, Ed was chosen, along with 10 or so other artists,  to be included in a group feature that will help publicize him and his art and help send traffic to our site: https://www.edwinkleishmanart.houzz.com/.

Basically,  out of the thousands of entries, we still made the top 60!  HUGE honor and one that we feel blessed to have received.

We will keep you posted and let you know the link as soon as the article is printed.

God Bless!



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