Emerald Island Casino, Henderson, NV

Henderson, Nevada

A little over 12 years ago, two twin brothers, Tim and Michael Brooks, bought a casino in downtown Henderson, Nevada.  The 8500 square foot casino had been empty for close to three years, so there was much work to be done getting everything ready for the grand opening of The Emerald Island Casino, named thusly in honor of their mother, who is 100% Irish.  One evening as Tim Brooks was overseeing the renovations and attending to the many details in preparation for opening day, a gentleman by the name of Edwin Leishman walked into the casino and introduced himself, asking what the brothers planned on doing with the many empty walls in the casino.  He went on to explain that he was a mural artist and that he would like to show the brothers his work.

Tim agreed, and Edwin set to work on a mural depicting the Irish countryside.  Less than a day later, Tim walked in to find the mural not only completely done, but of such outstanding workmanship, that Tim decided to retain his services for some other projects that he would like to have done in the future.

That one mural, was the start of a 12 year long journey that is still ongoing.  During that time, Edwin has graced quite literally every wall, both inside and out, with  beautiful themed Irish renderings that have helped to brand Emerald Island as truly the Jewel of downtown Henderson.

Exterior of Emerald Island Casino
Emerald Island Casino

Emerald Island Ceiling

Here are a few pictures of the inside and outside of Emerald Island Casino, The Jewel of Downtown Henderson, NV.


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