
Showing posts from November, 2015

Website is up and running!

Wall-Ahhh! was finally launched and our on-line store is open for business!  We opened with 30 products in the store, and Edwin is hard at work getting some more ready.  Not only are we offering our breakthrough Wall-Ahhh! designs such as Malibu Breezy and Simply Serene, we are also adding some of our favorite other wall graphics for a bigger variety. Our wall art has a little extra something that you just  won't find on any other site.  (I know, because have looked!)    Just for fun, and because there really isn't a better way to demonstrate the difference, below is a comparison between the different offerings from some of the top wall graphic sites and what we bring to the wall, so to speak.  Check them out and decide for yourselves.  To keep things consistent, the competition will be on the left hand side, and Wall-Ahhh!'s version of the subject will always be on the right. Okay, first up is a  view of Tuscany from a window.  The comparison is done with a g

We are finally LIVE with our new website!

As of 10:00 p.m. Friday, 11/13/15, we are officially LIVE with our website.  we can be found at  Wall-Ahhh! website .  Please check us out and tell us what you think!  At the same time we got the website up and running, we also got the online store up. You can reach it through our site or go directly to the store at And don't forget that anyone who mentions COUPON CODE:   1101WALLAHHH15    gets 15% off any one item in the store plus free shipping! There's still a lot I have to learn about SEO. (Which for those of you who are acronym-challenged like me, stands for Search Engine Optimization.) SEO determines how you are searched and rated in the major search engines like Google, Firefox, & Yahoo just to name a few.  It has so many factors involved, my head is still spinning and I haven't even started with the list of items you have to make sure you have in place.  API credentials, SSL certificates, domain and hosting provid

11/2/15 Wall-Ahhh! Update

Edwin and I have been working hard getting everything ready to go live with our website, and finishing up getting the products in our store.  I will keep updates here and on our other social sites.  You can click here. Wall-Ahhh! store on our site  and it will take you directly to the storefront, or just go to the main page at once we are up and running. Never realized just how much goes into getting an e-commerce site ready for shoppers!  This is my first excursion into the world of websites, and I really have to admit that even though we ended up getting a WYSIWYG site builder, it still takes a bit of know-how to get things the way you want them. For instance, not really knowing just what each package could do, I figured we could just get the basic builder and if we found out later we needed other features, we would just add them down the road sometime. NOT a very good decision, as I soon came to find out! But after realizing the error of