11/2/15 Wall-Ahhh! Update

Edwin and I have been working hard getting everything ready to go live with our website, and finishing up getting the products in our store.  I will keep updates here and on our other social sites.  You can click here.Wall-Ahhh! store on our site wallsmarternow.com and it will take you directly to the storefront, or just go to the main page at www.wallsmarternow.com once we are up and running.

Never realized just how much goes into getting an e-commerce site ready for shoppers!  This is my first excursion into the world of websites, and I really have to admit that even though we ended up getting a WYSIWYG site builder, it still takes a bit of know-how to get things the way you want them.

For instance, not really knowing just what each package could do, I figured we could just get the basic builder and if we found out later we needed other features, we would just add them down the road sometime. NOT a very good decision, as I soon came to find out! But after realizing the error of my ways, lol!, we quickly adjusted our package to actually meet our needs.

 A warning to anyone who decides to try this in the future, you have to be very specific with these website building and hosting sites.  From what I have seen, they are deliberately vague when it comes to telling you exactly what you will be ale to accomplish and what features are NOT included.  But they certainly are willing to upgrade you to the next level-for a price!  When you first start working with the templates, you see all of these little features on the menu, and think, "Oh, great! Its nice to have this feature.  It will be great when I get ready to do such and such".

And then comes the occasion when you go to use that feature that you thought would come in handy in an instance just like this, only to find out that the feature is not actually available to you with your existing plan. But for only so much more a month, they would be happy to upgrade you to the next level and let you use this feature that they insinuated was included by putting in your menu in the first place.

So, yeah, I certainly came up to speed rather quickly in this area!  The good news is that Edwin hasn't fired me yet.  The bad news?  There is no bad news!  At least until Edwin gets his first monthly bill for the upgrades I found out we had to have in order to get our site up and running.  Then we may have a bit of a rough patch... ( And Edwin, in case you're reading this, have I mentioned lately, honey, that you are the BEST boss ever! And I'm not just saying that because I'm trying to change the subject. Really!)

But all joking aside, I'm really getting excited to get started in this venture and can't wait to launch the Wall-Ahhh! line of products!  They truly are amazing, and even though by now I should be getting used to seeing Edwin;s work, I still find myself having to walk right up to the wall and touch it to see if it's really there or just another example of his uncanny skill when it comes to creating illusion.

We came up with a pretty good analogy to describe how his wall graphics differ from the others currently on the market:  Do you want a picture of Tuscany on your wall?  Or do you want Tuscany ON your wall?  Because that is truly the difference.

The biggest feature that I think sets his work apart from others is the architectural component in the Wall-Ahhhs.  It take the existing wall and incorporates it into the actual design, architecturally, and you view the scenery as if seen looking out of a window, through the brick and mortar and iron rods that are the actual structure.  (Your actual wall that you apply these to, become the brick and mortar and framework of the window in the design. Pretty cool, huh?)

In its application, it seems to make the wall disappear - as it ceases to be just a wall, but rather a window to another vista.  It literally appears to add acres to the existing space with added depth and dimension through the use of Edwin's métier of  forced perspective. And Viola (Wall-ahhh), just like that - you discover that, once again,  life with walls can be beautiful, and that the only limitations to our world are the ones we impose ourselves.

I've included some of the items we will be offering in the store so you can get an idea of where we are going with all of this.  And as an exclusive for any of you who see something here today that you might like,  or even on our site once we go live, write down the following coupon code for fifteen percent off your total order plus free shipping to anywhere in the continental U.S.  This code will be valid until 12/31/2015.  (And of course, if you lose it, just mention you got it from our blog and we will certainly honor it for you!)

        COUPON CODE:  1101WALLAHHH15

In addition to the Wall-Ahhh products, we will be offering other wall graphics that are pretty cool in their own respect.  Here's a few of my personal fav's:

 Well, check back often. I know I've said it before, but I really WILL start posting more regularly.  Thanks for following, and tell your friends.  We invite your comments and questions so please take a minute and tell us what you think.

Until next time,



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