We are finally LIVE with our new website!

As of 10:00 p.m. Friday, 11/13/15, we are officially LIVE with our website.  we can be found at Wall-Ahhh! website.  Please check us out and tell us what you think!  At the same time we got the website up and running, we also got the online store up. You can reach it through our site or go directly to the store at http://www.wallahhhstore.wallsmarternow.com

And don't forget that anyone who mentions COUPON CODE:  1101WALLAHHH15  gets 15% off any one item in the store plus free shipping!

There's still a lot I have to learn about SEO. (Which for those of you who are acronym-challenged like me, stands for Search Engine Optimization.) SEO determines how you are searched and rated in the major search engines like Google, Firefox, & Yahoo just to name a few.  It has so many factors involved, my head is still spinning and I haven't even started with the list of items you have to make sure you have in place.  API credentials, SSL certificates, domain and hosting providers, secure shopping carts, vendor id's.

But maybe I will write a separate blog about all of that fun stuff. (When I actually begin to understand what they all mean, myself!) But for now, just wanted to let everyone know that we did finally publish our pages on the web and they are available for public consumption.  Give us a visit and I can't say this enough - PLEASE give us some feedback - on the website, itself, here on the blog, on our many different social platforms like https://www.facebook.com/wallahhh.coolwalls/
https://www.pinterest.com/wallahhh/  https://about.me/edwin.leishman

Until next time, thanks for visiting and God Bless!

Lisa Clifton


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