What would you like to see in design for your walls?

Okay, folks, here's what we'd like to hear from you:

1.  Which of the following are important to you when choosing art/decor for your walls?  You can choose as many as you'd like and you will need to submit your answers via the comments section.  Also, if you have a requirement that is not listed, plese feel free to enter your own.
     a)  Price/value                                            e)  Versatility (ie: can arrange several different ways)
     b)  Realistic rendering of subject               f)  Can be used in corners
     c)  Unique design                                       g)  Artistic - not a picture or computer-generated design
     d)  Won't damage wall/removable             h)  Breathrough, original idea

2.  Visit our website at https://www.wallsmarternow.com/  What did you like or dislike about the site?  Did you visit our store?  What did you like or dislike about our products?  Did you see anything that your liked in particular?  Was our pricing reasonable?  ANYTHING at all would be appropriate.  This is your time to tell it like it is!

3.  What would you like to see more of, or is there anything design wise that would be interesting to you?  How can we get better?  What do we need to do in  order to serve you better?

We really appreciate your input and comments.  The above questions are meant to be a loose guideline but if you have any thoughts that aren't covered above, please feel free to enter them in your response.

If you would like a response or would like to talk to or Customer Service department, please note that in your reply as well.

Thank you for your help and we'll talk to you soon!


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